2021 Northern Colorado Sporting Clays Shoot and Fundraiser
Join us for a morning of fun and fundraising for our annual sporting clays shoot! The sporting clay course at Great Guns consists of 15 stations, where you'll have the opportunity to test your skill and see if you're ready for the upcoming hunting season. If you've never shot sporting clays, you've been missing out! Consider it golf with a shotgun. You'll have the opportunity to shoot 100 total clays flying in all directions.
There will be prizes for the top team (of four), top youth and top adult shooters.
We have plenty of shotgun Shells available for purchase.
Food provided by Runza of Loveland!
Responsible youth are welcome to participate.
Even better, we retain 100 percent of the proceeds raised to determine how they are used!
PLEASE NOTE - If you want to shoot with your friends, please have a single individual register everyone at the same time.
Sponsorships Wanted
We are doing great things, but need your help for continued success. Without a banquet this past year, this is true more than ever before. Sponsorship has great benefits including tax incentives, a unique marketing opportunity, and more. Please take a minute to learn more about sponsorship opportunities when registering for the fun shoot. You can also contact any of our chapter officers to learn more.
A Little About the Chapter
The Northern Colorado Chapter of Pheasants Forever is doing great things for Colorado. All of this is possible because of the continued outstanding support YOU provide. Without your support, we would be unable to contribute ten of thousands of dollars for eastern Colorado habitat work including the support of three no-till drills, funding three Pheasants Forever Biologists out east and one in Craig, CO, and funding the Corners for Conservation program. These initiatives are improving habitat throughout Colorado!
The Northern Colorado Chapter of Pheasants Forever is also intimately involved in introducing new individuals to the outdoors. We host numerous youth and women's outdoor days every year, and participate in many more. We contribute thousands of dollars to the PF's No Child Left Indoors Initiative and take every opportunity to immerse youth in the great outdoors. In 2016, our chapter was the recipient of the 2016 No Child Left Indoors® national award; the organization’s highest honor for chapters involved in engaging the next generation of hunters and conservationists. This year, we were the recipient of the 2021 Pheasants Forever national award for Advocacy! None of this would be possible without our great support system.