Central Pennsylvania 13th Annual Membership Fundraiser
The Central Pennsylvania Chapter of Pheasants Forever will hold its Thirteenth Annual Membership Banquet on March 25, 2023. We will once again hold our event at the Mountain View Country Club in Boalsburg.
The Central Pennsylvania Chapter of Pheasants Forever is a local conservation group founded in March 2008 to restore wildlife habitat in Centre and surrounding counties. We restore uplands, wetlands, streams, and stream buffers with a focus on restoring upland bird habitat and establishing a huntable wild pheasant population. With our conservation partners last year, we restored 40 acres of upland nesting cover, including 9 acres of pollinator habitat, plus 3 acres of wetlands and over 6 miles of stream habitat. In addition, we maintained an additional 15 acres of upland bird habitat. In October 2022, we hosted a Youth Pheasant Hunt where 16 youth hunters and two adults took their first chance at harvesting a pheasant.
In 2023, we will maintain our partnership with the Pennsylvania Game Commission, restoring habitat on State Game Land #333 in Centre County and State Game Land #317 in Union County. We will continue to work with the Game Commission to control invasive weeds, plant food plots and establish native grasslands and pollinator habitat. In addition, we will continue habitat restoration on private land throughout Central Pennsylvania.
The committee wants to thank the members and donors that supported our chapter last year. Many of you may have noticed some newly restored fields at SGL #333 in Centre County. With our project partners including the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, we restored 13 acres of grassland habitat at one plot and an additional 8 acres of grassland and pollinator habitat at another plot. The cooperation and support of our members made this and our other projects possible.
Prizes and auction items at this year’s banquet will include guns, clothing, wildlife prints, outdoor gear, and collectibles. All banquet tickets must be paid in advance. Payment at the door is not an option.
For every eight sponsors, one prize will be chosen by the winner from 35 available prizes. See our website for prize list and description. Don’t miss out! No limit on prizes.
Pheasants Forever is the conservation voice for habitat and hunting.
To reserve a full table of 10, an e-mail with all attendees must be sent by March 24th, 2023 to Chip Brown at 239foxgap@gmail.com .
Please feel free to contact Mark Thomas by phone or e-mail with questions.