Clays for Conservation - Columbia Basin PF Sporting Clay Bonanza
Goal: Gathering of Pheasants Forever Members and supporters. Welcome All who love to have safe shooting fun, connecting with others, and raising money for habitat in the Columbia Basin Area.
Agenda: Come to enjoy the most beautiful sporting clay course in Washington overlooking Rock Lake. https://rocklakeclays.com
A great lunch will be catered so plan on making this an all-day event. Barbecue lunch will be served after sporting clay portion of the day is completed so bring some snacks for the course and plan for some socializing afterwards.
The event will be 100 bird rounds with 10 interesting stations. Additional shooting games available back at the range area, including 50-50 money pots.
Bring a golf cart or a side by side and at least 150 rounds of ammunition. The course is walkable but highly suggest and pull wagon for guns, gear, snacks, & water, and jackets as the day warms up.
Either put your squad together or we will be happy to insert you into a fun-loving group of Wing shooters.
Passionate Outlaws the premier ladies gun boutique in the NW https://passionate-outlaws.com/ will be on site for demoing guns and will be selling new guns for males and females in both 20 and 12 gauge. Give Mom a special gift she will cherish, use, and maybe pass on to someone special in the future.
Games and Prizes will be available for multiple categories with station shooting challenges & prizes. There will be incredible photo shooting opportunities with this beautiful one-of-a-kind course and historical back drop of Rock Lake and Steptoe Butte.
Camping is available on site and nearby.
Registration at 9:00 - Shotgun Start at 10:00AM- Please arrive early.
Contact: Mike Bechtel: mike@sspeyewear.com or Chuck Ray:President@columbiabasinpf0849.org