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Douglas County-West 18th Annual Rooster Booster Bash

Banquet hosted by: Douglas County West (NE)
insert_invitation Thu, Sep 26 at 5:30 PM (CDT) - Sat, Sep 28 at 10:00 PM (CDT)
location_on Relevent Center, Elkhorn, Nebraska
local_activity Adult Bash Ticket and Membership
Includes 1 dinner ticket and an annual PF membership ($35 value). Please be sure to fill out the full name and address for the membership.
local_activity Spouse/Adult Child Meal Ticket
Meal and Admission for a current member's spouse or significant other. Also use this option for your children age 16 - 18. IMPORTANT! At least one person per family must be a current or renewed Pheasants Forever member. This option is for your significant other, spouse, or child over the age of 15. Use this option Only if you are also purchasing or renewing a membership, or are already a member. This means you would also be purchasing one of the 2 options above.
local_activity RB Package
Includes $120 in "Rooster Bucks" and a Free Ball Cap! Rooster Bucks can be spent on any games and raffles at the banquet. Yours will be waiting at the door!
local_activity Super RB Package
Includes $250 in "Rooster Bucks!" Rooster Bucks can be spent on any games and raffles at the banquet. Yours will be waiting at the door!
local_activity Adult Membership
One Year membership in Pheasants Forever and magazine. Use this option if you want to be a PF member and are ages 16 and up.
local_activity Youth Membership
Youth ages 15 and under. Includes one year "Ringneck" membership and magazine subscription.
local_activity Donation
An opportunity to put 100% of your dollars to work within the chapter. On the following page, enter the number of whole dollars you wish to contribute in the quantity box. Example Quantity:100 = $100 donation. Thank you!
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Relevent Center
{{ directions }}
Relevent Center
21220 Elkhorn Drive
Elkhorn, Nebraska 68701
Come out for a night of fun and support local conservation efforts! Doors open at 5:30 with heavy hors d'oeuvres served, followed by the program and live auction at 7:30p. 
Tables and sponsorship options are available at www.dcwestpheasantsforever.org
Thank you for supporting our PF chapter! Our committee decides how 100% of all the funds we raise are used to best benefit the local habitat.  



local_offer If your order qualifies for a discount, it will be applied during checkout after you have entered all required information.
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{{ item.performanceName }}: {{ item.name }}
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Map of Relevent Center
{{ directions }}
Relevent Center
21220 Elkhorn Drive
Elkhorn, Nebraska 68701