Five Valleys PF Rooster Ridge Shootout
Rooster Ridge Shootout / Sponsor Hunt
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sat, Mar 13 - 10:00 PM
Sold Out
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WHEN: Saturday, March 13, 2021 at TBD on March 12, 2021
LOCATION: Rooster Ridge Pheasant Club (Promise Drive, Missoula, Montana)
COST: $2,000 per 4-person team
DETAILS: Social | Raffles | Great Prizes | Bragging Rights & Team Trophy
Each team will be limited to 4 hunters, 2 bird dogs, & 12 shells (additional “mulligans” available for purchase), and a time limit in the field. Each team will have 12 birds released in their designated field prior to their start time. Everyone as part of the entry fee will get at least one raffle ticket for free for the General Raffle. Harvesting a banded bird will enter you into a special Banded Bird Raffle (2 banded birds will be released per team. Present the banded bird for your raffle ticket). Harvesting and presenting a Rooster Pheasant will enter you into a special Rooster Raffle (Only 1 Rooster will be released for each team).
• Shells will be provided (12 ga & 20 ga). If you are planning on shooting something other than a 12 or 20 ga please let us know in advance. Extra shells will be available for purchase before you go into the field for $50 per shell and will be $100 per shell in the field. Each shell purchase will also get you another chance in the General Raffle.
• Team points will be awarded for each bird harvested during the time limit, each unused shell, and each minute completed before the maximum time limit. Deductions for dogs that go out of bounds or unsafe gun handling & unsafe shooting. Birds going out of bounds are considered lost birds.
• Appetizers, drinks, and additional raffles/giveaways at our evening social on site.
AWARDS: High-score team & special raffles for banded birds, roosters & other raffles.
PRE-EVENT MEETING: On Friday 3/12/21 starting at 7:00 pm we will be holding a meeting at Rumour to discuss rules (subject to change up to this meeting) along with having an Auction for start times & field for each team. After this auction we will be holding a Calcutta Auction where each team will be auctioned off. Winner(s) of the Calcutta auction will receive 50% of the auction proceeds.
Crowing hour starts at 5:00. Dinner & drinks are on your own. If you want to come to bid in the Calcutta auction you are more than welcome. You do not have to hunt / be on a team to participate in the Calcutta Auction. Complete list of rules will be finalized & provided at this meeting.
For more information on this event please call Dylan at 406-546-7007 or Jon at 406-396-1800
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