NE Montana PF Pint Night!
NE MT Pint Night
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Join us for a pint night! Pleasant Prairie Brewing is donating $1 from every pint sold of to our NE Montana local chapter.
Annual PF membership ($35 value). Your membership matters! It supports PF's unique model that allows chapters to retain 100% of the funds that they raise to deliver mission, and allows PF to be the greatest habitat organization! Membership includes: a subscription to five issues of the Pheasants Forever Journal of Upland Conservation, PF decal & member card, Pheasants Forever Hunter’s Calendar (mailed annually in the fall), monthly “On The Wing” newsletters, and access to the Annual Pheasant Hunting Forecast!
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Join the NE Montana chapter for a pint night at Pleasant Prairie Taproom!
Raffles, food truck, great folks!
Sunday, October 13th
4:00 PM - 8 PM MST
Door Prize Drawing @ 6:00 PM
Raffle Winners Drawn @ 7:00 PM
Raffle Winners Drawn @ 7:00 PM
Pleasant Prairie Taproom
601 Main Street
Scobey, MT
601 Main Street
Scobey, MT
Pleasant Prairie Brewing is generously donating $1 from every pint sold to our chapter!
$20 raffle tickets, only 200 tickets sold!
Grand Prize: Weatherby Orion SxS 20 Gauge
2nd Prize: Zeiss ED 10x42 Binoculars
2nd Prize: Zeiss ED 10x42 Binoculars
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