North Central Pennsylvania Pheasants Forever 21st Annual Banquet
21st Annual Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever Banquet Fundraiser
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sat, Jun 05 - 09:00 PM
Sold Out
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The event committee of
the Pheasants Forever Chapter 630 Banquet looks forward to hosting you at our
annual banquet! There will be many great opportunities to win prizes, raffles,
and auction items that evening, all while supporting a great cause! Twenty guns
will be given away, including a Beretta A300 Outlander 12 GA Sponsor gun, one
for every 10 sponsors.
For ticket purchase information please contact one of the following chapter volunteers:
Chris Pringle | 814-590-1901 Brookville, PA
Tim Rowan | 814-715-2754 Brookville, PA
Bob Schmid (814) 328-5159
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