Palmetto Quailfest Upland Challenge and Field Day Registration
Palmetto Quailfest Field Day
January 21th ~ 9:00 AM to 3:30PM
Join Quail Forever and their partners in conservation and natural resources management (SCDNR, SCFC, USFS, NRCS, etc.) for a fun and educational day in the field at Gunrise Farms. This event will feature an example prescribed fire, Timber Stand Improvement (TSI) demonstrations, knowledgeable speakers, and tours of the Indian Creek Quail Focal Area. Participants of the Field Day are invited to join us for a social hour (3:30-5:00 PM) after the day's events to enjoy good company and participate in raffles and a silent auction to raise funds to support habitat management efforts on the Indian Creek Quail Focal Area.
The Upland Challenge:
January 21th ~ 9AM to 5PM
30 two-hunter teams compete
*One team hunter may be 12 or older*
$300 Entry Fee per team
3 simultaneous hunt courses
One bird dog per team
5 max shells per hunter
20 minutes time limit per team
6 bird maximum harvest per team
Most Points Win
1st Place $3,000
2nd Place $1,500
3rd Place $1,000(Purse payout assumes 30 paid teams)