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Poweshiek County Pheasants Forever Annual Banquet

Banquet hosted by: Poweshiek County (IA)
insert_invitation Fri, Nov 1 at 5:30 PM (CDT)
location_on Grinnell Athletic & Recreation Center, Grinnell, Iowa
local_activity Adult Membership + Meal Ticket
Includes 1 dinner ticket and one annual PF membership ($35 value). Please be sure to fill out the full name and address for the membership.
local_activity Early Bird Special
*Must accompany a banquet registration ticket or sponsorship* Includes $180.00 value or raffle tickets (90 - $2 tickets) & entry into early bird firearm drawing.
local_activity Youth Membership + Meal Ticket
Includes 1 dinner ticket and one annual "Ringneck" membership ($15 value). *14 years and younger. Please be sure to fill out the full name and address for the membership.
local_activity Additional Meal Ticket
Includes 1 dinner. **MUST be a life member or spouse of a paid member. Does not include a membership.
local_activity PF Membership only
Membership to Pheasants Forever only. Does not include a meal ticket or access to the banquet. It does include a subscription to the PF magazine.
folder_special Gold Sponsor
Includes : 2 meals, one annual PF membership ($35 value) Sponsor banquet merchandise Acknowledgment as Gold Sponsor at the podium Gold Recognition and 1/5 page ad in the banquet program Walnut sponsor plaque (or current year medallion to add to existing plaque) $300 value of general raffle tickets (150 - $2 tickets) Please be sure to fill out the full name and address for the membership.
folder_special Platinum Sponsor
Includes : 2 meals, one annual PF membership ($35 value) Entry in drawing for a $500 Gift Certificate Sponsor banquet merchandise Acknowledgment as Platinum Sponsor at the podium Platinum Recognition and half-page ad in the banquet program Wall plaque exclusive for Platinum Sponsors or Shirt $420 value of general raffle tickets (210 - $2 tickets) Please be sure to fill out the full name and address for the membership.
folder_special Diamond Sponsor
Includes : 2 meals, one annual PF membership ($35 value) Entry in drawing for a special firearm Sponsor a banquet print Acknowledgment as Diamond Sponsor at the podium Diamond Recognition and half-page ad in the banquet program Wall plaque exclusive for Diamond Sponsors or Shirt $540 value of general raffle tickets (270 - $2 tickets) Please be sure to fill out the full name and address for the membership.
folder_special Heritage Sponsor
Includes : 8 meals, 4 annual PF memberships ($35 value) Entry in drawing for a special firearm Sponsor a banquet gun raffle Acknowledgment as Heritage Sponsor at the podium Heritage Recognition and full-page ad in the banquet program Wall plaque exclusive for Heritage Sponsors or Shirt $660 value of general raffle tickets (330 - $2 tickets) Please be sure to fill out the full name and address for the membership.
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Grinnell Athletic & Recreation Center
{{ directions }}
Grinnell Athletic & Recreation Center
1500 Penrose St
Grinnell, Iowa 50112
Thank you for supporting our PF chapter! Our committee decides how 100% of all the funds we raise are used to best benefit the local habitat.

local_offer If your order qualifies for a discount, it will be applied during checkout after you have entered all required information.
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{{ item.performanceName }}: {{ item.name }}
{{ item.sectionName }} {{ item.seatName }}
{{ item.message }}
{{ formatPrice(item.price) }}
{{ item.quantity }}


Map of Grinnell Athletic & Recreation Center
{{ directions }}
Grinnell Athletic & Recreation Center
1500 Penrose St
Grinnell, Iowa 50112