Women on the Wing - Shooting For Success
Join us on Saturday, May 4th or Sunday May 5th for a fun and informative day as we learn from the best! Women on the Wing is excited to offer this outstanding wing-shooting clinic to you, and proud to host Tracy Wright of Dark Horse Shooting for a day of semi-private (5 in each group) wing-shooting instruction at the beautiful Rock Lake Sporting Clays facility in St. John, Washington. Tracy has competed at the national and international level and is well known across the country for his expertise and shooting instruction. Also included in the day is a fun sporting clays course which can be purchased as a separate activity.
10 spots will be open to Pheasants Forever Women members (5 in AM, and 5 in PM) for the shooting instruction on both Saturday and Sunday. All women registered for the shooting instruction will receive a goodie bag compliments of Women on the Wing.
The Sporting Clays course is a separate ticket option on Saturday and includes 10 stations. It is a fun activity to do with your BFF or family member (open to all and youth over 12). Prizes will be awarded along the way, and hot dogs, water, and snacks will be available. Please bring a sack lunch and drinks, trap load shells 7.5 shot or less (175), a wagon, jog stroller, or ATV to carry all your gear (if you plan to do the sporting clays course). Also, bring some cash for your chance to win some fun raffles, and the Annie Oakley shoot off!
Annie Oakley Grand Prize Winner will be a 4 Person Fishing trip donated by Upriver Outfitters ($900 Value).
Here's what you'll need to know about the event:
Wing-Shooting Instruction offered to PF members only
Morning slots (Saturday or Sunday) begin at 7:30 AM - afternoon slots begin at 12:30 PM (first come first serve)
Ticket options include your membership ($35) and will be deducted at check out if you are already a PF member
Sporting Clays Course Event can be purchased as a separate event if you do not wish to participate in the instruction
Event Coordinators are Jamie Wallace (jamie@myncwplace.com)( or Marianne O'Leary (wwmoleary@gmail.com) for questions or additional information.
All proceeds benefit the Women on the Wing program / Blue Mountain Pheasants Forever Chapter, and help us to continue to offer educational resources and promote women in the uplands.
Individual membership to Pheasants Forever ($35) includes a PF Decal and membership card, annual subscription to the PF Journal of Upland Conservation (published 5x/year), Pheasants Forever Calendar, Invitations to the local chapter banquet, free membership hunts, and other activities, monthly on-the-wing newsletter, and the ever popular Pheasants Forever Hunting Forecast.
Ticket Options:
1) PF Membership, Wing-Shooting Instruction $200 (Discounted to $165 for current PF Members)
2) Sporting Clays Course Only - Adult Ticket $75
3) Sporting Clays Course Only - Youth Ticket $60
We expect the weather to be GREAT for this event, and hope to see you there!