2021 Le Sueur County PF Membership Drive
The Spring 2021 Le Sueur County Pheasants Forever Banquet is postponed/cancelled. In an effort to retain our members, LSC PF will be completing a membership drive. Everyone who renews their annual membership in 2021 (including ring necks, youth) will receive a complimentary membership for one year to Caribou Gun Club (a $214 value). Please bear with us as we continue to be active as a PF Chapter and following Covid-19 protocols. It is because of you that we are able to accomplish so much in Le Sueur County. Your support is appreciated. Thank You!
Please stay tuned, in the coming weeks LSC PF will be having a raffle in place of the spring banquet. Tickets will be sold in person and many prizes will be available. More details to come! Follow our Facebook page to stay up to date (Le Sueur County Pheasants Forever).