2022 Louisa County PF/QF Dual Banquet
Dear Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever Supporter,
After having a successful smaller banquet in June last year, we will have a full banquet in June of this year as well. Please note the location has changed to the Louisa County Fair Ground Youth Building in Columbus Junction. We are excited to bring you a great banquet full of live auction items, raffle, and guns this year. We look forward to seeing you June 4th, 2022!
Since the last banquet a few things the chapter has accomplished are: creating a scholarship for a Louisa Count Senior with a educational focus on conservation. We’ve provided milkweed seeds and curriculum to five 3rd grade classrooms to facilitate learning about the importance of monarchs and pollinators. We adopted a stretch of highway north of Wapello and are adding an additional mile this spring.
Thank you for your continued support of the Louisa County Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever Chapter!
~Your Louisa County Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever Committee members