20th Annual Fort Riley Outdoorsmen Group Banquet
20th Annual Fort Riley Outdoorsmen Group Banquet
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
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Includes 1 dinner ticket and an annual PF membership ($35 value).
Please be sure to fill out the full name and address for the membership.
Your membership matters! It supports PF's unique model that allows chapters to retain 100% of the funds that they raise to deliver mission and allows PF to be the greatest habitat organization! Membership includes: a subscription to five issues of the Pheasants Forever Journal of Upland Conservation, PF decal & member card, Pheasants Forever Hunter’s Calendar (mailed annually in the fall), monthly “On The Wing” newsletters, and access to the Annual Pheasant Hunting Forecast!
Includes 1 dinner ticket and an annual QF membership ($35 value).
Please be sure to fill out the full name and address for the membership.
Your membership matters! It supports QF's unique model that allows chapters to retain 100% of the funds that they raise to deliver mission and allows QF to be the greatest habitat organization! Membership includes: a subscription to five issues of the Quail Forever Journal of Upland Conservation, QF decal & member card, Quail Forever Hunter’s Calendar (mailed annually in the fall), monthly “On The Wing” newsletters, and access to the Annual Quail Hunting Forecast!
Includes 2 meals and an annual PF membership ($35 value).
Please be sure to fill out the full name and address for the membership.
Your membership matters! It supports PF's & QF's unique model that allows chapters to retain 100% of the funds that they raise to deliver mission and allows PF & QF to be the greatest habitat organization! Membership includes: a subscription to five issues of the Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever Journal of Upland Conservation, PF & QF decal & member card, Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever Hunter’s Calendar (mailed annually in the fall), monthly “On The Wing” newsletters, and access to the Annual Pheasant & Quail Hunting Forecast!
Includes 2 meals and an annual QF membership ($35 value).
Please be sure to fill out the full name and address for the membership.
Your membership matters! It supports QF's unique model that allows chapters to retain 100% of the funds that they raise to deliver mission and allows QF to be the greatest habitat organization! Membership includes: a subscription to five issues of the Quail Forever Journal of Upland Conservation, QF decal & member card, Quail Forever Hunter’s Calendar (mailed annually in the fall), monthly “On The Wing” newsletters, and access to the Annual Quail Hunting Forecast!
Includes 1 dinner ticket and 1 annual "Whistler" membership ($15 value). *14 years and younger.
Please be sure to fill out the full name and address for the membership.
Your membership matters! It supports QF's unique model that allows chapters to retain 100% of the funds that they raise to deliver mission and allows QF to be the greatest habitat organization! Membership includes 4 issues of the Forever Outdoors journal which features youth-focused stories on upland bird hunting, sporting dogs, habitat improvement projects, environmental issues and other outdoor interests, QF decal and member card, and the opportunity to participate in chapter youth.
Includes 1 dinner ticket and 1 annual "Ringneck" membership ($15 value). *14 years and younger. Please be sure to fill out the full name and address for the membership.
Your membership matters! It supports PF's unique model that allows chapters to retain 100% of the funds that they raise to deliver mission and allows PF to be the greatest habitat organization! Membership includes 4 issues of the Forever Outdoors journal which features youth-focused stories on upland bird hunting, sporting dogs, habitat improvement projects, environmental issues and other outdoor interests, PF decal and member card, and the opportunity to participate in chapter youth.
Includes 1 dinner. *MUST be a current life member or enrolled in auto-pay*
Thank you again for being a member of "The Habitat Organization!" The commitment of dedicated supporters such as yourself helps us elevate our mission to a new level!
Meal Ticket only for children 14 and under.
Sponsor will be mentioned during the event and listed as a sponsor but does not include any tickets for the event.
This will help the chapter underwrite the costs of items for fundraising and promote the business!
-Two banquet tickets (dinner)
-Recognition in the Banquet Program and thanked on the FROG Facebook Page
-Two Banquet Tickets (Dinner)
-One Membership to PF or QF
-One “stretch” of General Raffle Tickets
-Recognition in the Banquet Program and thanked on the FROG Facebook page
Four Banquet Tickets (Dinner)
Two Memberships to PF or QF
Five Gun Board Raffle Tickets
One “stretch” of General Raffle Tickets
Six Banquet Tickets (Dinner)
Three Memberships to PF or QF
Ten Gun Board Raffle Tickets
One “stretch” of General Raffle Tickets
Presented as “Habitat Partner” on the night of the Banquet
One Ticket for the Wildlife Benefactor Gun Raffle
Eight Banquet Tickets (Dinner) and Reserved Table (Seats 8)
Four Memberships to PF or QF
Fifteen Gun Board Raffle Tickets
One “stretch “ of General Raffle Tickets
Presented as “Conservation Champion” with a gift on Banquet Night (Gun)
Eight Banquet Tickets (Dinner) and Reserved Table (Seats 8)
Four Memberships to PF or QF
Twenty Gun Board Raffle Tickets
One “stretch “ of General Raffle Tickets
NOT FOR ADMISSION TO BANQUET. Includes one annual PF adult membership. Please select this option if you are unable to attend the event but would like to renew your membership.
Your membership matters! It supports PF's unique model that allows chapters to retain 100% of the funds that they raise to deliver mission and allows PF to be the greatest habitat organization! Membership includes: a subscription to five issues of the Pheasants Forever Journal of Upland Conservation, PF decal & member card, Pheasants Forever Hunter’s Calendar (mailed annually in the fall), monthly “On The Wing” newsletters, and access to the Annual Pheasant Hunting Forecast!
NOT FOR ADMISSION TO BANQUET. Includes one annual QF adult membership. Please select this option if you are unable to attend the event but would like to renew your membership.
Your membership matters! It supports QF's unique model that allows chapters to retain 100% of the funds that they raise to deliver mission and allows QF to be the greatest habitat organization! Membership includes: a subscription to five issues of the Quail Forever Journal of Upland Conservation, QF decal & member card, Quail Forever Hunter’s Calendar (mailed annually in the fall), monthly “On The Wing” newsletters, and access to the Annual Quail Hunting Forecast!
Visit Fundraiser Page
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Visit Fundraiser Page
Join the nation's leading habitat organizations for a night of food, fun, and friends! Come out to raise funds for the Fort Riley Outdoorsmen Group while possible winning some of the following items: Guided Hunts, Fishing Trips, Rare Bourbons, and Guns!
Social Hour and Games: 5:00 p.m.
Dinner: 6:30 p.m.
Live Auction: 7:30 p.m.
Thank you for supporting our chapter! Our committee decides how 100% of all the funds we raise are used to best benefit the local habitat.
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