38th Stearns County Pheasants Forever Covid Membership Drive
Stearns County Chapter
Pheasants Forever
Stearns 38th Annual Banquet Canceled
February 2021
New Year greetings Stearns County Pheasants Forever members and supporters. The chaos everywhere as a result of the Covid-19 virus has caused the Chapter Board of Directors to cancel the March 2021 annual banquet and fundraiser. Your membership and support for Pheasants Forever is critical to PF, the Habitat organization. The purpose of this note is to offer membership renewal and support options for 2021. It includes incentive options for you to consider.
The Chapter will be running an online auction from February 19 though March 13th with many great things to bid on. Go to www.stearnspf.org and click the auction link!
We also are running a 10 gun raffle, See a board member
or contact Mike for more details.
Contact Mike Windschitl at
320-248-1116 or stearnspf@gmail.com with questions.
The Board of Directors would like to thank you for your past and continued support.
Our committee decides how 100% of all the funds we raise are used. This banquet is the only source of revenue that allows Stearns County Pheasants Forever to accomplish our mission of conservation of pheasants, quail and other wildlife through habitat improvement, public awareness, education, and land management policies and programs. Thank you for supporting our PF chapter!