Barlow Farms Field Day : Integrating Wildlife Habitat in an Agricultural Landscape
open house style booths, field tour, and snacks
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Thu, Aug 22 - 06:00 PM
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Come join us join us for an afternoon of wildlife and agricultural discussion. The event will start with an open house featuring table displays from agencies including NRCS, Pheasants Forever, Farm Service Agency and more. Then we will take a tour of some established wildlife plantings, wetland scrapes and some newly planted field borders. The landowners will be on site telling their story along with biologists and experienced agency staff to answer wildlife and program questions. There is something to learn for everyone whether you're interested in planting prairie, taking low producing areas out of production, or just want some new ideas for your farm you’ll be sure to walk away with some new knowledge.
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