Bay/Midland PF 2022 Seed Day
Annual Seed Day Hosted by Bay/Midland Chapter (MI)
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sat, May 07 - 09:00 PM
Sold Out
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Our annual seed pick-up day is
tentatively set for May 7 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Dennis Varner farm
located at 3198 S. Homer Road, Merrill. As in the past, if the seed hasn’t
arrived by May 7, we may have to push pick-up back a week. We will have Roundup
ready corn and soybeans and our food plot mix and due to continued high freight
costs we will again charge $10/bag to cover these costs. We will also have
various grasses and legumes available at our cost. Please submit your seed
orders by April 23. If there is a shortage of seed, orders will be prorated as
follows: 1) Banquet Sponsors, 2) Members Attending Banquet, and 3) Members.
are not able to offer trees/shrubs for sale this year due to logistics and
timing issues. Please reach out to your local conservation district if you are interested in ordering trees/shrubs.
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