Birds, Buds, & Brew Night
Birds, Buds & Brew Night
Sponsored by the St. Clair County Pheasants Forever Chapter 74
6:00 P.M.- 10:00 P.M.
Drop in at the MURPHY INN for some pizza and a pint of cold beverage. There will be some special raffles offered, tickets will be available for our annual banquet being held in March 2022. Find out what Pheasants Forever National, the MI State PF Council, and our local Chapter have been up to. Share your hunting stories and pictures from this past fall’s adventures with fellow conservationists. A relaxing night to visit and reminisce with fellow outdoor enthusiasts.
Everyone is invited to attend (PF members and non- members alike). There is a $10 fee required for a pint cup and drink token and admittance into the raffle room.
For more information call 906 362-9472