Bridging The Gap For Butterflies
The day long event will be held in Marquette County where over 80 acres of land have been restored to benefit the Karner Blue Butterfly through assistance from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Tomorrow River Chapter of Pheasants Forever. A beautiful Amish built bridge spans the Wedde Creek providing access to both the North and South sides of the property. Attendees will be able to drive through the entire property to explore the restoration, there will be walking trails and guided tours, door prizes, cash raffles and other fundraisers. There will also be activities and learning opportunities for children, and food will be provided as you leave the event. The event is open for attendees to come and go as they please throughout the day. It is a hybrid event, so attendees will have the option to simply drive through the event in their vehicle, or park and walk the grounds.
Event Date and Time: June 12th, 2021, 10 A.M.-4 P.M.
Rain Date: July 17th, 2021
Address: W4363 Dakota Lane Wautoma, WI 54982 (Google maps should take you to the location, but be on the look out for event signs). (If using apple maps, you may have trouble locating the event.) For reference Dakota Lane is about 2 miles south of the the village of Dakota on County Highway Y. Head west on County Hwy Y about a quarter mile to the event. Crystal Lake and the Lake of the Woods Campground are directly East of the event site.
For more information contact Derrick Raspor- Chapter President- 920-621-6146