Capital City Lady Birds' Fun Shoot Wrap Up & Pot Luck!
Join Pheasants Forever's Capital City Lady Birds for our last fun shoot of the season at Capital City Sporting Clays!
The event will start at noon and will finish around 3pm.
This is an opportunity to get out and shoot some clays before the hunting season and connect with other women in a non-competitive, welcoming way. Significant others are also welcome to join in on the fun to help celebrate our success this summer.
Please provide your own equipment; eye and ear protection is required.
If you are member of CCLB, your ammunition (12 or 20 gauge) is provided by the chapter!
Please have significant others bring their own ammo and equipment if they plan to shoot.
The cost to shoot the course at Capital City Sporting Clays is around $30
We will also have a pot luck after shooting to enjoy some time together celebrating our great summer. Please bring a dish to share!
See you there!!