Carver County Hands-On Habitat Workday
Carver County Pheasants Forever is once again will be hosting a Habitat Improvement Day at the Tiger Lake complex WPA and WMA areas. The Habitat Day will be on Saturday, May 6th from 8:30 to 12:00, or as long as you choose. Please meet at the parking lot located on Utopia Ave. on the north side of the Tiger Complex
A few of the projects that we plan to start are as follows:
1. Woody control in a savanna remnant (cutting/lopping small trees and brush), Cutting and/or treating tree regrowth within specific areas of the property and along ditches
2. Burdock control (herbicide treatment)
3. Scouting and flagging Common Tansy (or treatment if the plant is large enough to treat)
4. Repair/replace boundary posts damaged by farm equipment and Install boundary posts along specific areas.
The USFWS will have a representative on hand to provide directions along with various tools and equipment needed to complete the projects. Please let us know if you can bring chain saws or an ATV to use.
Please be sure to bring leather gloves and wire cutters (if possible). Dress accordingly including leather gloves and be aware that there could be areas that will be wet.
Please register to ensure we know how many helping hands we will have.
We will provide a lunch of hamburgers, hot dogs, and beverages afterwards.
Thank you in advance for joining us!Participant Waiver
I understand that I am choosing to participate in this event. I understand that it is incumbent upon me to use the utmost care in the exercise of safety. I intend to do so and realize that I have an affirmative duty to do so. I further realize that Pheasants Forever, Inc., Quail Forever, their members, agents, employees, licensees, volunteers, and associates are participating in this event to give me a quality educational and/or outdoor experience. I understand that I will conduct myself in a manner as to be safe around all the individuals mentioned herein.
Further, I hereby waive all rights to any claim, cause of action, right of litigation of any kind, whatsoever originating from this event.
I grant to Pheasants Forever Inc. and Quail Forever, its representatives, and employees the right to take photographs of me and my property in connection with the above-identified subject. I authorize Pheasants Forever Inc. and Quail Forever to use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that Pheasants Forever Inc. and Quail Forever may use such photographs of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content. I have read and understand the above.