Cedar Creek PF 35th Annual Banquet
Dinner, Live & Silent Auction, Raffle Games & more!
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Sat, Jan 29 - 10:00 PM
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Cedar Creek Pheasants Forever is hosting our 35th Annual Banquet on January 29, 2022 at the Georgetown Hall - St. Patrick's Church - 2006 574th Ave, Albia, IA 52531 (8 miles West of Albia on Hwy 34). The evening will include: dinner, live & silent auction, raffle games & more. Help us get youth involved in hunting and preserve habitat. For more information please contact Jim Nelson: (319) 231-8976 or Andy Wuebker: (712) 298-2207.
This year marks our 35th year of raising money for pheasant and quail habitat. With the harsh winter last year, we know that good winter habitat and food sources are needed for the survival of pheasants and quail. This past year Cedar Creek PF provided corn, sorghum, soybean, and sunflower seed to plant 155 acres of food plots on 23 projects. A total of 59 acres of native grasses were drilled or interseeded to provide nesting cover and pollinators. Additionally, 130 acres of CRP were burnt to improve nesting and brooding cover. Through a partnership with Cargill, cracked corn was provided to help feed song and game birds throughout the winter. Cedar Creek PF members helped with Albia trap teams. A $500 scholarship was awarded to a graduating high school senior. $5000 was spent doing edge feathering on the west side of the Lake Miami property to provide habitat for upland birds. We help support our Monroe County Farm Bill biologist, Shane Weinberg, Shane can help create free wildlife habitat plans and arrange funding for local landowners. All these activities are made possible due to your continued support of our annual Cedar Creek PF Banquet.
This year marks our 35th year of raising money for pheasant and quail habitat. With the harsh winter last year, we know that good winter habitat and food sources are needed for the survival of pheasants and quail. This past year Cedar Creek PF provided corn, sorghum, soybean, and sunflower seed to plant 155 acres of food plots on 23 projects. A total of 59 acres of native grasses were drilled or interseeded to provide nesting cover and pollinators. Additionally, 130 acres of CRP were burnt to improve nesting and brooding cover. Through a partnership with Cargill, cracked corn was provided to help feed song and game birds throughout the winter. Cedar Creek PF members helped with Albia trap teams. A $500 scholarship was awarded to a graduating high school senior. $5000 was spent doing edge feathering on the west side of the Lake Miami property to provide habitat for upland birds. We help support our Monroe County Farm Bill biologist, Shane Weinberg, Shane can help create free wildlife habitat plans and arrange funding for local landowners. All these activities are made possible due to your continued support of our annual Cedar Creek PF Banquet.
This year’s banquet features:
Thirteen guns to be raffled, ALPS Outdoor Z Mirage ground blind, Yeti Roadie hard cooler, Camp Chef Everest 2X stove with 10” cast iron skillet, Filson duffle pack, Leupold BX-1 binoculars, Terry Redlin metal coat rack, PF flag, On X hunt maps membership, wall art, Larry Zach and Ryan Kirby prints, shop vac, jump start cables, knives, tools, Purina dog food and numerous donated items and gift certificates from local businesses, restaurants, and individuals.
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