Cedar Creek PF 36th Annual Banquet
Winter is in the air and it’s time to celebrate with our Annual Cedar Creek Pheasants Forever Banquet. This year marks our 36th year of raising funds for pheasant and quail habitat. After last year’s harsh winter, we know that good habitat and food sources are essential for the survival of pheasants and quail. This past year Cedar Creek PF provided Monroe County landowner’s with corn, sorghum, soybean, and sunflower seed to plant 113 acres of food plots on 15 projects. A total of 30 acres of native grasses were drilled or interseeded, and an additional 151 acres of CRP were burnt to establish and improve nesting and brooding cover. Through a partnership with Cargill, cracked corn was provided to area residents to feed song and game birds throughout the winter. A $500 scholarship was awarded to an Albia high school graduate. CCPF donated $5000 for an edge feathering project at Lake Miami that will provide additional habitat for upland birds. We maintained our support of the Albia trap team and donated three adjustable stock semiauto shotguns for their shooting teams. Our annual funding of our Monroe County PF Farm Bill Biologist, provides landowners assistance in designing their wildlife plans and finding funding to establish their habitat. Our chapter partnered with Lucas County to help provide public hunting ground by donating $3,000. All these activities are made possible due to your sustained generosity and support of our annual Cedar Creek PF Banquet. So come and have some fun with your spouse, friends and neighbors on Saturday, February 4, 2023.
This year’s banquet features thirteen guns to be raffled, ALPS Outdoor Z Mirage ground blind, Yeti Roadie hard cooler, Do All automatic clay pigeon thrower, Yeti camino carryall bag, PF game board set, Ranger Solo stove, Walton’s vacuum sealer, wooden ammo box, PF flag, On X membership, wall art, Larry Zach and Scot Storms prints, shop ladders, jumper cables, knives, tools, Purina dog food and numerous donated items and gift certificates from local businesses, restaurants, and individuals.
For updates and more information please reference the link: Cedar Creek Pheasants Forever