Chapter Meeting- West Metro
We had a tremendous turnout for our initial chapter start
meeting. At this meeting, we intend to
build off of that momentum. Take this
opportunity to learn about the nation’s leading upland bird conservation
organization and how you can be involved locally.
Unique among national conservation organizations, chapters of Pheasants Forever
retain 100 percent decision-making control over their locally-raised funds.
This allows chapter volunteers to develop wildlife habitat projects and conduct outreach conservation events in their communities while belonging to a national organization with a voice regarding state and federal conservation policy.
When: Tuesday, September 21st, 2021—7:00 pm
Where: Shorewood Community Center
5735 Country Club
Shorewood, MN 55331
Contact: Will Clayton- (320) 905-0226
For more information about Pheasants Forever, please visit www.pheasantsforever.org or
contact Will Clayton- PF Regional Representative: (320) 905-0226