Chapter Start Meeting- West Metro
Want to make a difference in your local community?
Come join us! A Pheasants Forever Chapter Start meeting has been
scheduled in the west metro or western Hennepin County area.
Unique among national conservation organizations, chapters of Pheasants Forever retain 100 percent decision-making control over their locally-raised funds. This allows chapter volunteers to develop wildlife habitat projects and conduct youth conservation events in their communities while belonging to a national organization with a voice regarding state and federal conservation policy.
Please take this opportunity to learn about the nation’s
leading upland bird conservation organization and how you can be involved
When: Monday, August 25th, 2021—7:00 pm
Where: Shorewood Community Center
5735 Country Club Road
Shorewood, MN 55331
Contact: Will Clayton- (320) 905-0226
For more information about Pheasants Forever, please visit www.pheasantsforever.org or contact
Will Clayton- PF Regional Representative: (320) 905-0226