Dakota Chapter Annual Meeting +Social!
Hosted by Dakota (ND)
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Tue, Apr 20 - 08:00 PM
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The Dakota chapter is excited to invite you to their 2021 annual meeting & social! Join them at the Elks Lodge in Bismarck on Tuesday, April 20th and enjoy a meal, beverages, and door prizes all compliments of the chapter.
Learn about Pheasants Forever, what the chapter accomplishes throughout the year, and most importantly- what you can be a part of!
Learn about Pheasants Forever, what the chapter accomplishes throughout the year, and most importantly- what you can be a part of!
Social 5:30 PM | Dinner 6:15 PM | Annual meting + election of officers to follow
Please RSVP by email to adveng16@gmail.com or by phone to (701) 258-9643. We're looking forward to seeing you there!
Please RSVP by email to adveng16@gmail.com or by phone to (701) 258-9643. We're looking forward to seeing you there!
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