Erie - Ottawa - Sandusky Annual Banquet and Fundraiser
This years Banquet is scheduled for March 11th at the Camp Perry Banquet Hall, in Port Clinton Ohio.
This years event will feature 30 guns on hand from Fin Feather Fur Outfitters to be auctioned, raffled or included as part of an outdoor prize package. This years meal will be catered by Messenberg Catering, and feature Prime Rib, Wine Chicken, pasta, salad, sides, desert, and appetizers prior to the meal. Beer and soft drinks soft drinks are included with your ticket for admission.
The doors are scheduled to open at 5:00 pm. Dinner is scheduled to be served at 6:45 pm with the raffles & live auctions directly following. Silent auction tables will be available starting at 5pm. Side raffles and outdoor prize packages will begin ticket sales at 5pm, and have limited tickets for each raffle. These tickets are Cash Sale night of the banquet.
All admission ticket sales are pre-pay only, with none sold at the door. Individual banquet tickets are $75/person (includes 1 Year membership to Pheasants Forever), and $45 for spouse tickets. For those who can produce a current PF card verifying membership in another chapter you may purchase a spouse ticket.
For youths, ages 17 and under, admission is $35 and includes there meal and membership to the Pheasants Forever youth Ringneck organization. This years youth in attendance will be entered into a drawing for a Resident Youth Lifetime Hunting License. (Sponsored by Genoa Financial - Aaron Moore)
Gun Board Tickets: At the request of our patrons we have reduced the number of tickets from 100 to 50 per package to reduce congestion at the gun board tumblers. Your odds remain the same for these 12 guns. Each pack of gun board tickets purchased comes with a ticket for the top gun drawing at the end of the night. (Must be Present to Win)
Presale - $125 for 50 gun board tickets
Night of - $150 for 50