Heartland Pheasants Forever Youth Hunt
The Heartland Chapter of PF is hosting a Hunting Day for youth ages 12-17, and for adults new to shooting and hunting. It will be held on Saturday, October 28th, from 9 AM to 3 PM at the Loon-Inn Hunting Ranch, 48145 - 235th St, Easton, MN. Youth are to bring a parent or guardian along to go with you on the hunt. You will need to wear an item of blaze orange above the waist to comply with hunting regulations. A cap and/or vest will be fine.
Before hunting pheasants, we will be reviewing gun and hunting safety, and you will get some shotgun shooting instructions. You will get some practice shooting on clay pigeons. You will also have an opportunity to shoot targets with a .22 rifle and try your hand at bow & arrow. We plan to have experienced dog handlers on hand to show us how they train their hunting dogs. You will then have the opportunity to hunt pheasants with a PF member and his dog. Any birds taken will have to be cleaned so chapter volunteers will teach you the proper way to do that so that you can take the bird home for dinner. Recipes will be included for you to try.
We are limiting the number of hunters to 20, so we ask that you get your name entered as soon as possible. Register by calling Jim More at 462-3469 or email him at jemore@bevcomm.net. The deadline for registering is October 15th. Please send the following information: Name & Address, Phone No, Date of Birth, and Parent’s Name. You must have completed a Gun Safety Class to participate in the hunt. We will be giving preference to registered PF Ringnecks and Gun Safety graduates that have not been at our Ringneck Day before.
You can bring your own shotgun. We will make arrangements for those that don't have a gun. PF will furnish all ammunition. If you have a well-trained dog, you may bring them along also. A noon lunch will be served for everyone. Come and have some fun and learn some shooting and pheasant hunting basics. There is no cost to you for this day of fun!