Hike For Habitat!
Hosted by Capital City Lady Birds (ND)
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Tue, Aug 11 - 09:00 PM
Sold Out
Tickets available at:
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Come join the Capital City Lady Birds for their first annual Hike for Habitat to benefit Pheasants Forever and Monarch Joint Venture's habitat conservation efforts! Bring your friends, family, dogs, and your pack and enjoy the scenic loop around McDowell Dam while learning about the flora and fauna along the way and staying in shape for your next outdoor adventure! We’ll have food and water available whenever you’re done! Join for the whole time, just to hike, or just to socialize!
Adult - $30* | Family of 4 - $75*| Kids under 12 - FREE
*Includes Miles for Monarchs T-shirt(s)
*Includes Miles for Monarchs T-shirt(s)
All proceeds are split between Pheasants Forever & Monarch Joint Venture to put pollinator habitat on the ground!
For questions contact: capitalcityladybirds@gmail.com
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