Illinois Chorus Frog Wetland Workshop
Event Details
*Event Registration Fee Update: Those that registered prior to March 1st for $35 will be provided field lunches. The registration fee has now been removed. However, we will not be able to provide lunches for anyone who registers on March 1-15th. Anyone registering at no cost will be responsible for their own field lunches.
This hands-on training will introduce you to highly effective, practical, and low-cost techniques for creating or restoring natural and native vernal pond wetlands. You’ll learn how to design and restore wetlands that provide habitat for threatened and endangered species, amphibians, reptiles, and a diversity of birds. This workshop will specifically focus on prairie wetlands for the Illinois chorus frog. Attendees will learn how to select suitable locations for building wetlands, test soil texture, determine groundwater elevation, choose appropriate construction techniques, work with heavy equipment operators, control erosion and non-native plants, and establish native plants. Attendees are now approved for 10 continuing education credits through the Society for Ecological Restoration!
Renowned instructor, Tom Biebighauser, teaches wetland restoration workshops worldwide. Participants actively engage in design and construction of natural-appearing and functioning wetlands. Learn more: www.wetlandrestorationandtraining.com
Who Should Attend
Biologists, restoration ecologists, land managers, hydrologists, engineers, and private landowners. You do not need wetland restoration experience to attend
Please register now as space is limited!
Registration closes on March 15th or when capacity is reached. If registration is closed, please contact Stephanie Bishir to be added to the waitlist. stephanie_bishir@fws.gov 309-535-2290 ext.12
Preferential attendance will be given to those who attend the event in its ENTIRETY!
Most workshop activities will be conducted in the field. Please dress for being outdoors! Participants are recommended to bring water bottle, rubber muck boots, hard hat, gloves, and protective eye wear. Plan to attend the training and work, even if there is rain. Work and training will be temporarily suspended for safety if lightning is detected.
Attendees will have the opportunity to join an evening frog survey, tour Partners for Fish and Wildlife hill prairie restoration sites and enjoy a cookout with Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever Farm Bill Biologists.
Workshop details, including lodging information and agenda will be provided to registered participants.
Questions: Stephanie Bishir stephanie_bishir@fws.gov 309-535-2290 ext.12
Participant Waiver
I understand that I am choosing to participate in this event. I understand that it is incumbent upon me to use the utmost care in the exercise of safety. I intend to do so and realize that I have an affirmative duty to do so. I further realize that Pheasants Forever, Inc., Quail Forever, their members, agents, employees, licensees, volunteers, and associates are participating in this event to give me a quality educational and/or outdoor experience. I understand that I will conduct myself in a manner as to be safe around all the individuals mentioned herein.
Further, I hereby waive all rights to any claim, cause of action, right of litigation of any kind, whatsoever originating from this event.
I grant to Pheasants Forever Inc. and Quail Forever, its representatives and employees the right to take photographs of me and my property in connection with the above-identified subject. I authorize Pheasants Forever Inc. and Quail Forever to use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that Pheasants Forever Inc. and Quail Forever may use such photographs of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content. I have read and understand the above.