Illinois PFQF State Meeting: Upland Film Festival
Open to the Public!
The Friday Night Social has previously been only open to Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever Chapters but for the first time the general public is invited to attend the Illinois Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever State Meeting Friday Night Social!
This Friday Night event will include the first showing in the Nation of the new Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever Upland Film Series! Enjoy six original short films, drinks, appetizers, raffles and socializing with other conservation/hunting focused individuals.
General Public Tickets Include:
- $35 PF or QF Membership
- Beer
- Appetizers
Only 50 tickets will be sold and the deadline to purchase tickets is January 19, 2020.
*Chapter Committee Leader/Volunteers! This event is included in your PFQF Chapter Registration! If you have registered for the State Meeting through your chapter you DO NOT need to purchase tickets.

Bloomington-Normal Marriott Hotel & Conference Center
201 Broadway Bloomington, IL 61761