Kandiyohi County Pheasants Forever 40th Annual Banquet
Banquet hosted by: Kandiyohi County (MN)
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sat, Apr 01 - 10:00 PM
Sold Out
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Thank you for supporting our PF chapter! Our committee decides how 100% of all the funds we raise are used to best benefit the local habitat.
For Tickets Contact Kevin Ochsendorf @ (320) 212-2412
Questions? Contact Greg Kamrowski @ (320) 212-3505
Since 1983 the Kandiyohi County Chapter has raised over $7 million dollars for the PF mission. All proceeds from the banquet are controlled by the local Pheasants Forever Chapter. These locally raised and leveraged dollars are put to work in the community by the chapter. To date the chapter has:
For Tickets Contact Kevin Ochsendorf @ (320) 212-2412
Questions? Contact Greg Kamrowski @ (320) 212-3505
Since 1983 the Kandiyohi County Chapter has raised over $7 million dollars for the PF mission. All proceeds from the banquet are controlled by the local Pheasants Forever Chapter. These locally raised and leveraged dollars are put to work in the community by the chapter. To date the chapter has:
• Helped create and support a PF Farm Bill Biologist position to work with landowners and producers in the county on voluntary conservation private land programs. Since July of 2017 this position has had 543 landowner contacts and impacted 21,656.66 acres in the County.
• Supported five local high school trap teams
• Provided youth education on habitat and gun safety
• Provided money for youth to be involved in pollinator projects
• Provided a scholarship to a senior interested in a conservation career
• Enhanced or restored over 2,200 acres on 23 existing public land complexes projects since 2015 in partnership with the Outdoor Heritage Fund
• Acquired 16 tracts in fee-title totaling 1,227 acres . The parcels are restored to wildlife habitat, protected in perpetuity, and are open for anyone to use and enjoy.
• Through a partnership with Conservation Partners Legacy Program, is restoring or enhancing over 530 acres of public land in Kandiyohi County
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