Lake County, IL Pheasants Forever : Youth Ambassador Program (ages 10 to 17)
New for 2022, the Lake County Pheasants Forever Chapter will be hosting a Youth Ambassador program. This new program will kick off in January and is a $50 investment for the calendar year. This investment will cover all registration fees, membership and provide additional perks for Youth Ambassador Program Participants. Funds raised with this program are retained by the chapter and will be used for community/youth education.
The objective of the Youth Ambassador Program is to bring together youth and adult mentors from across Lake County and surrounding areas, to promote and enhance the understanding of hunter safety and the conservation of the sport for the next generation. Participation in the program hopes to enhance qualities of sportsmanship, dedication, education and youth advocacy for the sport. This goal is inline with the Pheasants Forever mission, “To Conserve pheasants, quail and other wildlife through habitat improvement, public access, education and conservation advocacy. ...”
The Lake County Pheasants Forever Youth Ambassador Program will provide our Youth Ambassadors with the following Benefits:
Event Ticket to the 14th Annual Lake County Pheasants Forever Banquet (February 5, 2022 in Fox Lake, IL)
Wing Span (25 tickets) for Bucket Raffle Prizes at the Annual Banquet
Recognition as a Youth Ambassador at the Annual Banquet
Special Entry for Youth Ambassador Gun Raffle (entry is only for participants in the Youth Ambassador Program and must register PRIOR to the 2022 banquet)
Registration for Annual Youth Hunter Safety and Outdoor Education Day (July 16, 2022)
Recognition and Introduction at Welcome of the event
The Youth Ambassador will be “Leader” for one of the education groups for that day
Youth Ambassadors will be helpers during the lunch hour
Youth Ambassador will be provided a t-shirt at registration to recognize them as a Youth Ambassador
Registration for Family Hunt (1 of 2 weekends in October/November 2022)
Youth Ambassador Holiday and Appreciation Dinner in December 2022
With parental permission: Each Youth Ambassador will additionally be featured once throughout the calendar year on the Lake County Pheasants-Forever Facebook Page.
Throughout the year, there will be additional perks announced just for our Lake County Pheasants Forever Youth Ambassadors. Which may include but is not limited to, complementary range time at a hunting club and others that are currently To Be Determined.