Learn-to-Hunt Waterfowl
Join us for a five-part, progressive learn-to-hunt series! Our three-part wing-shooting series, gear night, and weekend-long waterfowl hunt are designed to give you the confidence and skills needed to become an independent waterfowl hunter. All skill levels are welcome and will benefit!
Registration: $150 - limit of 8!
*Includes facility use, ammunition, clay targets, private instruction, snacks, lunch, and a one-year membership to Pheasants Forever. We encourage participants to attend ALL scheduled events!
For more information, contact Hannah at (812) 241-0906 or hhayes@pheasantsforever.org
Wing-shooting Series
Where: Capital City Sporting Clays
When: July 26th, August 30th and September 27th
All three nights run from 6-9 PM
Gear Night
Where: Scheels | Bismarck
When: October 6th 6-9 PM
Waterfowl Hunt
Where: Bismarck | Location TBD
When: October 16th-17th