Lincoln Heritage 1st Annual Chili & Wild Game Dish Cookoff
Come join Lincoln Heritage Pheasants Forever at the 1st Annual Chili & Wild Game Cook Off!! You don't have to compete to enjoy the festivities. Come vote on your favorite Chili & Wild Game dish. Top prizes will be given for most votes for Chili and Wild Game.
Prizes - Choice of Banner Raffle Prize worth $300 from Scheels.
Doors open at 3:00 P.M.
Gun Raffle Drawing at 5:00 P.M.
Cookoff Winners announced 6:30 P.M.
Kate Brothers Band on stage 7:00 PM - 10:00 P.M.
*Purchase your event tickets, the gun raffle, or enter the Cook Off by March 10th for a chance to win a Yeti 45 QT Pheasants Forever Cooler*
Buy Tickets at the door or on online $10 entry, 12 & Under FREE!!!
PLEASE NOTE - If you have entered the Cook Off or purchased a 2023-2024 Lincoln Heritage Winter Gun Raffle ticket, entry to the event is FREE. Must check in at the door.
Please email lincolnheritagepf@gmail.com or Text - Randy (217) 240-8339 or Matt - (217) 246-3250 with any questions.