Mississippi Longtails Banquet
Please help us celebrate our 30th Anniversary Banquet. Jointly hosted by Mississippi Longtails and Wiederholt’s Supper Club, “Home of the legendary Prime Rib Dinner”. This is guaranteed to be our biggest and best banquet yet. There will be a minimum of 15 guns with a retail value of $9,500 given away. This means that one of every ten members could go home with a gun. Tickets will be available by mail/online only (no tickets sold at the door).
EARLY BIRD GUN RAFFLE – 1 FOR $10, OR 3 FOR $25- Benelli Montefeltro 12 ga- available contact Dan Richmond for more information.
We will have reserved seating for 150 only and seats will sell out quickly so buy your early bird tickets now.
All forms must be received by September 6th to guarantee your seat.
Thank you for supporting our PF chapter! Our committee decides how 100% of all the funds we raise are used to best benefit the local habitat. ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT Dan Richmond- (612) 819-8837 or email d_richmond@yahoo.com, or John Wiederholt-(651) 503-6629 or email jtwiederholt@gmail.com