POSTPONED Prescribed Fire Workshop
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
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Mon, Apr 20 - 06:30 PM
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Jackson Bldg, Madison County Fairgrounds, Winterset, IA
1146 W Summit St
Due to rising concerns around the outbreaks of COVID-19, we will be postponing our banquet for the time being. We are looking to reschedule and will reach out with more information as we know more.
Please reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.
Prescribed Burn Workshop
April 20, 2020
11:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Jackson Building, Madison County Fairgrounds, Winterset, Iowa
Weather Reschedule Date - April 27, 2020, In case the weather is not suitable for the prescribed fire on April 20, the workshop will be moved to April 27. Please call the Madison County Extension Office in the morning on April 20 to verify.
Why Should I Attend?
Prescribed fire can be an important land management practice in a wide range of habitats. Grasslands, like Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields, idle areas on the farm, savannas, or roadsides often benefit from fire every 3-5 years. Prescribed fire requires careful planning, coordination with local authorities and neighbors, and close attention to weather patterns, and a comprehensive understanding of how prairie fires behave and what different techniques exist for their management. If all considerations are carefully planned, fire should go off without a hitch, and you should be able to reap the benefits for years to come.
Prescribed fire can be an important land management practice in a wide range of habitats. Grasslands, like Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields, idle areas on the farm, savannas, or roadsides often benefit from fire every 3-5 years. Prescribed fire requires careful planning, coordination with local authorities and neighbors, and close attention to weather patterns, and a comprehensive understanding of how prairie fires behave and what different techniques exist for their management. If all considerations are carefully planned, fire should go off without a hitch, and you should be able to reap the benefits for years to come.
Who Should Attend?
Landowners, producers, contractors, watershed coordinators, agency staff, conservationists, and others interested in the implementation of spring prairie burning and development of prescribed burn plans.
Registration Fees: There is no fee to attend this workshop and lunch is included with registration. You must pre-register to ensure we have handouts, lunch, and refreshments for you at the workshop.
Partners: Iowa State University Extension & Outreach, Madison County Conservation Board, Pheasants Forever
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