Sporting Clays Event -- McHenry PF Illinois
The McHenry County Chapter of PHEASANTS FOREVER is preparing an exciting SPORTING CLAYS EVENT for you. All funds we raise through this event (excluding membership will be used locally, allowing us to provide and plant quality pheasant & wildlife habitat. We offer youth programs in our effort to ensure continuation of conservation practices and the tradition of shooting and safe hunting.
WHEN: Sunday, July 25, 2021 (10 AM - 2 PM)
WHERE: Rock Ridge Sportsman's Club, 14755 East Edosn Road, Davis Junction, IL 61020 (20 minutes South of Rockford)
WHAT: 50 Targets plus lunch and prizes (prizes NOT based upon shooting skill)
COST: FREE to our 2020 Sponsors and Banquet volunteers
FOR MORE INFO AND TO PURCHASE TICKETS VISIT https://mchenrycountypheasantsforever.org/index.php/events-news/banquet-2020