Thunder on the Prairie Shootout (Goodwell, OK)
Clays for Conservation of Quail Habitat and Youth Outreach for the Panhandle of Oklahoma! Help support Habitat & Outreach for the Panhandle Nomads Quail Forever Chapter to benefit Upland Birds and Youth/Women Outdoors!
Adult Individual Cost: $75*
Youth (18 & Under) Individual Cost: $35*
4-Person Team Entry: $300*
4-Youth Team Entry: $140*
*Please note that this is the price for pre-registering. All adult registrations on day of event are $90 for individual and $350 for a 4-person team, and YOUTH registrations on day of event are $45 and Youth teams will be $180.
Registration Includes:
• BBQ Lunch from Hunny's
• Winner prizes - including a gun for top shooter!
• Trap 5-Stand
• Sporting Clays
• Annie Oakley
For more information contact: Zach Brewer at 580-651-7122 or Laura McIver at 907-750-2600.