Traverse Co PF Membership Drive
Hosted by Traverse County (MN)
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Thu, Apr 08 - 08:00 PM
Sold Out
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The Traverse County committee of Pheasants Forever would like to thank you for your past support. Our prior year projects of habitat improvements, conservation education, emergency wildlife feeding, and high school shooting team sponsorships are continuous, and your ongoing support is necessary to maintain progress for these projects. Your membership and support of Pheasants Forever is also necessary to help support the bigger picture plans and programs from the National PF headquarters that have been instrumental in keeping conservation programs supported and funded by Congress. Well known programs such as CRP and WRP will hopefully find better support and funding from the ongoing efforts of PF’s Legislative Action Fund, and PF has been instrumental in working with many other conservation partners and has an excellent reputation of getting stuff done – turning dollars into successful habitat projects.
This year we would have held our 36th annual fundraising banquet, but because of ongoing Covid 19 restrictions we have decided to try something a bit different for our fundraising efforts. Our goal is to keep Traverse County Pheasants Forever memberships and projects funded until we get thru the other side of Covid restrictions when we can plan and execute another exciting and entertaining local PF fundraising event. Enclosed with this letter is a small token of appreciation for your past support. There is no obligation for any donation, but we would encourage you to consider a donation to Pheasants Forever of $40 to cover your annual membership costs with PF, and as a special incentive we will have prize drawings for several guns and other PF merchandise for those willing to donate monies – everyone who covers their membership will get 1 ticket, and every addl $10 donated over and above the membership fee will get you an additional raffle ticket for the extra prizes, the drawing will be a Facebook Live event on April 8 at 6:30 pm.
Thank you in advance for any financial support you can give us. If you are willing to donate, please fill out and mail in the form below with payment prior to April 1. Feel free to contact committee members with any questions. Thank you again for your past and future support of this wonderful organization!
For more information or to request a form contact Dave Bauer at 320-808-4843
Prizes include Browning Maxus, Tikka rifle, and many others!
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