VOTSQF 2nd Annual Women's Gambel's Hunt Weekend
A special weekend Gambel's Quail hunt just for the ladies!
Arrive on Friday, January 13 @ AZGFD Horsehoe Ranch located on Bloody Basin Road, (east of i-17 & south of Cordes Junction)
Clay Pigeon shooting on Saturday morning to get you warmed up for hunting.
Quail hunting on Saturday afternoon/evening & Sunday morning. Optional hunt on Sunday afternoon.
Cost: $25 if you are a valid Quail Forever member
$35 if currently a non member, but we will use that money for your new Quail Forever membership!
Event limited to 15 Women Hunters
VOTSQF Members with dogs will assist hunters
Accommodations are available at the AZG&F Ranch for Friday and Saturday night. Some limited RV (dry camping) space will also be available.
Additional details will be provided to registrants.
Any additional questions, please contact Jim Bingle at 602-885-3538