Wisconsin Private Land Learn to Deer Hunt
Join the National Deer Association, Pheasants Forever, Sharing the Land, and Wildland Properties for a unique experience designed for adults with little or no deer hunting experience (and mentors to work with them). Set in the wooded ridges of the Kickapoo Valley, this class will teach the following: safe firearm handling, marksmanship/shot placement, rules and regulations, hunting strategies, field dressing and butchering. As novices will be hunting exclusively on private land—with landowners assisting as mentors—they will learn firsthand the importance of conservation, herd management, biodiversity, and stewardship from a landowner point of view. Participants will also have the opportunity to meet Doug Duren, a guest on the Netflix series MeatEater, and learn about his hunting-access-for-chores program, Sharing the Land.
Upon sign-up, participants will be given access to a Google sheet where they will indicate their arrival, departure, and other details.
Please note that students must have earned their hunter education certification prior to September 22. A $50 charge for food and lodging, payable in cash, is due upon arrival in camp. Students will also need to purchase a membership to the National Deer Association. Students who harvest deer will have the option of having them stored and/or butchered, for a fee, at a local processor.
The schedule for this class will be as follows:
Weeknight in September (date TBD): virtual class with the link emailed to all who sign up; class will run 6 PM to 8 PM
September 22, Arrive at New Haven Manor, practice marksmanship at Wilton Sportsmen's Club, Potluck dinner at New Haven Manor
September 23, Hunt with Mentor AM and/or PM, Deer Butchering Demo, Potluck dinner
September 24, Optional Hunt or departure
For additional information, contact Pheasants Forever Wisconsin R3 and Outreach Coordinator, John Motoviloff:608 640 6956; jmotoviloff@pheasantsforever.org