Women on the Wing Learn to Upland Hunt Multi-Day Weekend
All-Inclusive/Multi-Day Learn to Upland Hunt Weekend!
Enjoy the camaraderie of other women hunters or want to learn, new friends, learning, quality time in the field, clay shooting and so much more! Following your ticket registration, you will soon receive an email detailing suggested gear, some links to required liability forms, plus you will be asked to take a pre-event survey and a post-survey to help us plan better for future events. 😊
TENTATIVE Schedule of Events
DAY 1: Friday, January 5, 2024
Time Schedule
6:00 PM Cocktails & Mingling
6:30 PM Come & Go with tasty Hors d'oeuvres
7:00 PM Special Presentation: The Joys of Bird Hunting & Getting Engaged with Habitat Conservation
7:30 PM Mingling, Games & Camaraderie
DAY 2: Saturday, January 6, 2024
Time Schedule *Note that this schedule may be switched around pending weather conditions
8:00 am Early Morning Coffee with Light Continental Breakfast
9:00 am Shotguns and Safety- Breaking it all down
10:00 am Gear, First Aid Considerations
11:00 am Learn Habitat for Better Success & Where to Hunt
Noon Sandwiches and Snacks
1:00 pm Short Films Demo working with Bird Dogs and other Hunters
2 - 4 pm Shoot some Clays!
5:30 pm Wine & Wings
6:00 pm Dinner and Campfire
7:00 pm Film Fest and Games!
DAY 3: Sunday, January 7, 2024
Time Schedule *Note that this schedule may be switched around pending weather conditions
8:00 am Early Morning Coffee with Light Continental Breakfast
8:30 am Bird Dog Demo / Hit the Fields!
10:30 am Cleaning Birds and Food Preparation
Noon Sandwiches and Snacks > then depart!
Your registration fee covers all food for the weekend! Begin each day with coffee, and continental breakfast. Lunches for Saturday and Sunday will consist of sandwich and snack station to stay energized. Friday night starts off the event with Hors d'oeuvres and wine. Saturday's dinner will be a steak and food feast.
There are 4-5 cabins on site that will be shared among the participants included for lodging.
You will have opportunities to hunt a variety of fields. Whether you're a fully experienced hunter or want a mentor working with you, support will be provided. Maybe you aren't ready to carry a loaded shotgun, but want to experience how to hunt upland birds with bird dogs, that is okay too! We will be hunting in small groups and learning how to approach each field with guides and bird dogs.
There will be a variety of fun activities: Booting up the bird dog, first aid demonstrations; processing a harvested bird from field to table; where to hunt, tools that are helpful in the field and more! Night-time activities will include: a Film Fest, entertaining games and prizes, campfires, story times, smore's, lots of camaraderie, and more!
Lots of door prizes and give aways - PLUS, your own copy of Hank Shaw' Pheasants, Quail, and Cottontail cookbook! Saturday's no-charge clay target practice is also included for those who can participate.
Bring your dog (not required) and gear! Ammo, shotgun, hunting license, and ID. All persons in the field must wear hunter-orange - we will have orange vests available. Don't forget your ice chest to store your processed birds, and any specially needed toiletries for the cabin. All registrants will receive more information about what to bring after registration closes and prior to the event.
In an effort to provide access for all, a scholarship for this event is available to any woman in need, contact event organizer for details.
Cabin Fever Adventures, 8985 Texoma Park Rd, Kingston, OK 73439
PLEASE REGISTER BY NO LATER THAN January 3, 2024 (5:00pm central). You can register one of two ways:
1. Use the Ticket tab to purchase your reservation.
2. Call, text or email Laura McIver at 907-750-2600 with your CC info ready or email Lmciver@quailforever.org for more info.